Father’s Day coming soon. Reading is relaxing. Ron Eustice has written several books available on Amazon.com or directly from Ron.
These include:
- Red & White Reflections (2014)
- They Saw Red! History of Red & White Holstein Cattle in North America (2017):$55.00
- Polled Pioneers: History of Naturally Hornless Dairy Cattle in North America (2018): $60.00
- Boxcar Boys: Riding The Rails With Bovine Beauties (2020): $60.00.
- Gentlemen Farmers: Farms & Ranches of The Rich & Famous (2021): $60.00.
- View From The Bull’s Eye (Volume I): Autobiography of Dr. Robert E. Walton (2021): $55.00
- Seed Stock I and Seed Stock II (Republication of books by Horace Backus): $55.00 each, both for $100.
- Coming Soon: Women of Means & Cows of Good Genes
Elmer Dawdy & The Tidy Burkes
Clyde Hill Farm of the Benedictine Sisters of Pepetual Adoration
All books available from Ronald Eustice, 1551 Summit Shores Vista, Burnsville, MN 55306. I accept PayPal at reustice.com
Website is RonaldEusticePublications.com
or the books may be ordered through Amazon.com